JeffApp is a super app ecosystem offering daily life services that can be managed through the phone. The services take place in the hubs distributed around the globe.

Fit Jeff exterior 1
Fit Jeff interior

FIT JEFF: Feeling good outside and inside being part of a global community. Fit Jeff hubs offer yoga, functional, HIIT and pilates classes. One can book the classes through the app.
The hubs are around 100m² with auto check-in, retail hot point, showers, toilets and all of it adapted for PRM.

Mr Jeff exterior 1
Mr Jeff exterior 1

MR JEFF: 48h home-delivered laundry service. The customer has two options to book the service: walk in the hub or through the app.
The hubs are around 50m² and they are split in the reception area and the operations area, which includes professional washing machines and dryers, professional ironing systems, sinks and storage units.

Beauty Jeff exterior 1
Beauty Jeff interior 1

BEAUTY JEFF: Smart hair and nails services. One can book the appointments through the app and receive a reminder right before.
The hubs are around 70m² with auto check-in and they are all accessible to customers, including the toilet. They have washing posts, hair posts, nail posts and retail hot points.

Relax Jeff interior 1
Relax Jeff exterior 1

RELAX JEFF: Relax moments in one click. Massage and aromatherapy services for neck, back, legs, feet, face, head or full body. One can book the appointments through the app and receive a reminder right before.
The hubs are around 70m² with auto check-in and they are all accessible to customers, including the changing room. They have a reception area, several treatment posts, wardrobe and retail hot point.

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